Luxury fashion brands sell upscale, in-demand and expensive clothing, shoes and accessories. Fashion has been on an upward trend over the last few decades, with some newcomers on the scene, but the fashion houses that have stood the test of time are still dominating the market. The most famous items from the Hermes brand are the Birkin bags, some of which sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Italian fashion designer Giorgio Armani founded his company in 1975 and achieved the status of “the most successful designer of Italian origin” in 2001. Luxury fashion brands sell upscale, in-demand and expensive clothing, shoes and accessories.
Italian fashion designer Giorgio Armani founded his company in 1975 and achieved the status of “the most successful designer of Italian origin” in 2001. The French luxury house is still considered one of the most famous fashion houses in the world, known for its modern and iconic pieces.
What do I name my fashion brand?
Finding a name for a fashion brand is a lengthy process and cannot be achieved overnight. Bring your fashion brand to life by designing a free logo with Shopify’s logo maker and choosing an online store theme that fits your style. With your customer feedback, you can start to objectively analyze the clothing and fashion brand names you’ve chosen. There’s a reason why it’s easy to remember the fast fashion brands whose names consist of just four letters, as well as the couture designers, whose names serve as logos and even monogrammed prints.
The company runs a chain of independent stores for fashion brands such as Louis Vuitton, Fendi and Dior.